Dr. Squatch Pine Tar Soap

Posted: December 13, 2020
Dr. Squatch Pine Tar Soap
Check It Out

While Dr. Squatch Pine Tar Soap would make a really nice addition to any man's grooming supplies, it is also a good gift for a man you don't like much, such as, oh, I don't know, say, your father-in-law, because: 1) it looks like the soap equivalent of coal; and 2) it subtly suggests you think he stinks.

Which, in my case he does, albeit more figuratively than literally.

Dr. Squatch Pine Tar Soap indeed gets its extreme blackness from pine tar extract, and combines the rugged, masculine (and Scrooge-y) look it creates with heavy sand sprinkled throughout the bar to provide a similar rugged, masculine (and stench-banishing) cleansing and exfoliation during use.

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