Harley Quinn Hoodie

Posted: March 04, 2014
Harley Quinn Sweatshirt

Gee boss, you really know how to put the fun in funeral. DC Universe supervillain Harley Quinn serves as the inspiration for another Geeky U reimagination of the hoodie. (Previous take: Link from The Legend of Zelda.) Called the Hardley Queen, this jester-hatted zip-up comes in a choice of red or black bases with handcrafted embellishments including the Harley TM'd motley pattern, fat white stitching, and jester tails stuffed rigid and and pom-pommed. The hoodie doesn't require me to adjust my fly in the same way this Arkham Harley Quinn costume does, but I think the former is probably a better choice for church, where I've been told it's inappropriate for me to do that anyway.

Note: Harley Quinn's pictured hammer is not included, as Geeky U does not want to be responsible for would-be asylum brats singing Peter, Paul & Mary songs.

If I had a hammer, I'd hammer in the morning, I'd hammer in the evening, all over your skull....

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