Tertill Garden Weeding Robot

Posted: October 17, 2020
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Hey dude, got any weeeeeds? Yeah? Well, the Tertill is a garden weeding robot that doesn't just whack them for you, but travels continuously throughout your garden, churning up the top layer of soil, and preventing them from sprouting in the first place. And the Tertill is solar-powered. And it doesn't use herbicides. And it replaces your yearly mulch hauls and laydowns of plastic film and mesh fabric. And - and! - the Tertill weeder robot was created by the inventor of the Roomba vacuum robot.

So put 'dem weeds in your pipe and smoke 'em.

Tertill differentiates weeds from plants using the simple method of leaving anything bigger than it is alone. Because, as Franklin Robotics puts it, "weeds are short, plants are tall. A plant tall enough to touch the front of Tertill�s shell makes the robot turn away." The little guys, the newly sprouted garden villains that pass under the Tertill shell, activate its string trimmer and enjoy a quick decapitation.

Tertill also comes with metal plant guards you can embed around smaller plants or seeds to protect them until they grow tall enough for robot sensing.

And, yes, Tertill's method of weeding does mean that you can't set it in an already overgrown and unruly garden bed right out of the box. You'll have to remove or whack away weeds that are halfway to beanstalk land yourself, and then introduce Tertill to keep things tidy.

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