Octopus Kite

Posted: June 18, 2017
Check It Out

I don't think the giant 3D Octopus Kite that's for sale is quite the same as the giant 3D Octopus Kite flying in the above video. But maybe your kids won't notice that when, after showing them the graceful cephalopod dancing through the sky on their tablet, you rip the tablet away, hand them a box from Amazon, and tell them to get off their tail and go fly a kite.

Speaking of tails, the Octopus Kite has 8 of them ready to glide through the wind as romantically as they do through the water. The airborne beast of the sea extends about 24-1/2 feet long from head to tentacle, so pilots and spectators should find it just as mesmerizing to watch it fly overhead as they do to watch it swim down below.

The Octopus Kite is made of parafoil and folds down into an included kite bag for storage.

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