Breakfast Sandwich Maestro

Posted: March 07, 2013
Breakfast Sandwich Maestro
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5 minutes to a breakfast sandwich. No drive-thru on earth can beat that...mainly because of the whole leaving the house and driving to the drive-thru portion of the equation. Otherwise I guess most of them could. If there weren't a long line. Or someone in the car in front of you placing an order for their entire office. Dude, go inside to do that shit. Ah, what am I saying? None of these trivialities matter now that Hamilton Beach has devised a fast and easy way for me to melt a slab of cheddar over egg, ham, sausage, bacon jam, and pork rinds, and then smash it all between an English muffin without leaving my kitchen or putting on pants.

The Breakfast Sandwich Maker, a tower of non-stick electric griddle components, stacks and seamlessly integrates your favorite morningtime foods into a delectable handheld meal. In addition to E-muffs, the maestro accepts protein bookends in the form of biscuits, small bagels, and bread your mom measured and cut into a perfect circle to fit the machine. Layers of heat delivery cook portions of the sandwich individually, with the outer ends toasting the starch, an egg plate solidifying the hen fetus, and a third insert heating the (precooked) meat and cheese.

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