Sleeping Bag Sofa
- Tattoo Snuggie - $14.99
- Coleman Crescent Mummy Bag - $54.99
- Snuggie Sutra - $8.79
- Hideaway Comfort Bed for Dogs - $32.62
- Mylar Emergency Survival Sleeping Bag - $8.83
I've slept on my sofa for the past 2-1/2 years. I've even slept in my sleeping bag on my sofa. But until now the two were not a happy combination, as the outsides of sleeping bags are slippery, and the heights of sofas are significant enough to make falling off of them somewhat unpleasant. Particularly if one experiences a tete-a-tete with the corner of the coffee table on one's way down.
But what if the sleeping bag were sewn into the sofa? What if it zipped up around both user and couch? Something my mama says...I mean used to me comes to mind: snug as a bug in a rug.
Stephanie Hornig's sleeping bag sofa aims to simplify the "excessive upholstery" of traditional, bulky couches with a streamlined daybed that is essentially a sleeping bag with a frame and legs. The campy (heh, heh) piece of furniture folds 90 degrees up for seated daytime use, and then lowers down and unflaps at slumbering hours. Padded fabric hangs over the low backrest and, as with tents, pockets on the back of the sofa house pillows and cans of baked beans. Sleeping bag duvets remove for washing.
The sleeping bag sofa is currently only a prototype, but maybe if the Girl Scouts adopt a decent work ethic during cooking-selling time this year--meaning one that entails more than sitting on their asses with stacks of boxes outside grocery stores--they can raise some extra cash and help fund Hornig's first production run.
What do you think: sleeping bag or backpack sofa?
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