Stormtrooper Bookends

Posted: February 02, 2022
Stormtrooper Bookends
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I mean, are Stormtroopers gonna be any better as bookends than they are as sharp shooters? Seems like you'd rather have someone with The Force on their side, like Yoda or Luke, or at least some legit literal force, like Chewie, do this job for you instead.

The Stormtrooper Bookends are based on the original molds Andrew Ainsworth of Shepperton Design Studios developed for the Star Wars films, though I'm not sure these poses are representative of anything I've seen from the Empire's finest before. The Troopers are cast in polyresin and hand-painted. The bookends would make a swell Star Wars gift for any franchise fan who owns books.

Muchas danke to The Awesomer.

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