iMusic Bluetooth Pillow

Posted: April 21, 2014
iMusic Bluetooth Pillow

Yeah, MP3 speaker pillows are all fun and games until someone drowns their connected smartphone in a pool of drool and shorts it beyond repair. It's about time we got a Bluetooth upgrade to this otherwise swell advancement of the 21st century. The iMusic speaker pillow connects remotely to any iPod, iPhone, or MP3 player so you can listen to music or books on tape or Stuart Smalley doling out I'm good enough, I'm smart enough, and doggone it, people like me's up close and without disturbing anyone else as you fall asleep at night.

The iMusic built-in MP3 speakers use adapted headphone technology so audio funnels through the pillow at a comfortable listening level. If your device doesn't have Bluetooth or if, like me, you can't figure out how to get anything to work ever, the pillow also includes a 3.5mm audio cable for plug-in connection.

Muchas danke to Manny for the Dude Product Tip.

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