Bacons of the World Sampler
I would call Belcampo's Bacons of the World quarterly sampler pork crack, but in this case, I think it would allude to an entirely different--yet still likely very tasty--part of the pig, rather than the addictive, euphoria-inducing belly, cheek, and loin slabs actually included in the shipments. Nonetheless, holiday shoppers should prepare to have loved ones go giddy and glassy-eyed, and possibly hug the hearts right out of their chest cavities, when this Christmas they receive the gift of hog heaven.
The Bacons of the World pack arrives in 4 shipments, each containing 5 pounds of bacon split between the hearty American classic and a slab from another part of the world. Belcampo's pork hails from organic, pastured Ossabaw-Berkshire pigs the produce flavorful meat and balanced fat. Batches ship in January, April, July, and October.
With January's shipment also comes the Italian guanciale, a savory, unsmoked cut from the pig's cheek. It is described as a worthy base for cooking pasta all�amatriciana or beef stews.
In April, the hearty fry bacon will be accompanied by English bacon, also known as "back bacon". It is butchered from the pig's loin, with the belly attached, so that each slice of bacon also doubles as a pork chop. Uh, that sounds like a bacon-chop fusion. Bacon-chop conjoined twins. In other words, that sounds delicious.
When the stifling heat of July hits, you'll be able to cool down...or at least sweat pork...with your third shipment of America's meat of the gods, plus some Italian pancetta, an unsmoked, rich hunk of bacon that enjoys show-stealing guest appearances in pastas and roasts. Finally, as October's leaves flit to the ground in piles of brittle deadness, your cap-off pile of scrumptious deadness will arrive, this time with a holiday bacon, coffee-rubbed for an extra smoky, earthy punch.