Jenga Ocean

Posted: January 13, 2018
Jenga Ocean
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No, cynics, it's not called Jenga Ocean because it looks like a marine oil spill. In fact, Bureo makes their jet black edition of the iconic toppling tower game from 100% recycled fishing nets as part of their overarching ocean conservation efforts. As a company, Bureo both teaches seaside communities how, and financially supports them in their efforts to protect the oceans, and runs a recycling program in Chile to collect discarded fishing nets, which they say account for 10% of the oceans' plastic pollution. So far, they've collected and repurposed over 175,000 pounds of discarded materials.

Each Jenga Ocean game contains over 25 square feet of nets sourced and recycled from Bureo's recovery program.

Blocks in this Dark Tower are etched with handdrawn marine animal designs, and not just to reiterate Jenga Ocean's theme. They also carry special edition "Save the Animals" rules to help players learn more about ocean threats and things they too can do to help with conservation efforts.

Jenga Ocean is an official edition, and direct collaboration between Jenga and Bureo. Jenga founder, Robert Grebler, approached the company at the 2015 Ocean Film Festival with the idea to turn their recycling nets into his brick towers.

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