Thug Kitchen

Posted: July 08, 2014
Thug Kitchen
Check It Out

Thug Kitchen, in the piped icing vein of What the F*@# Should I Make for Dinner, has parlayed a recipe blog and the gratuitous use of profanity into a cookbook. And although I'm pretty sure noting Thug Kitchen on the Web is "beloved by Gwyneth Paltrow" is less of a top Thug Kitchen in print selling point than it is a great way to ensure no one will buy your fucking book ever, the real-world, no-frills food the TK authors use to cook up healthy, bomb-ass dishes like Roasted Beer and Lime Cauliflower Tacos still make Thug Kitchen: Eat Like You Give a F*ck worth a second look.

Over 100 recipes, from bitch-ass soup to motherfucking nuts, fill the full-color pages of Thug Kitchen. The cookbook also contains supplemental information on cooking techniques, shopping on a budget, and hopefully slaying fuckball onions without crying like a pussy.

Sample recipes from the Thug Kitchen blog (not necessarily part of the cookbook) include:

  • Chickpea Tabouleh. "Switch up your salad game with this...or throw it in some motherfucking pita bread and call that shit a sandwich."
  • Frosted Gingerbread Bites. "This holiday season bake a batch of these spiced sons of bitches. Stop eating cookies shaped like people. That's fucked."
  • Sweet Potato Wraps. "Sweet potatoes have a shitload of anti-oxidants and beta-carotene. Don't bury them under fucking marshmallows. Wrap that shit up."

Thug Kitchen: Eat Like You Give a F*ck is a top Dude Gift for the Kitchen pick.

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