Star Wars R2-D2 Bra
- R2-D2 Interactive Astromech Droid - $175.60
- Darth Vader Girls' Tank Top - $20.50
- R2-D2 Ladies' Tank - $23.99
- R2-D2 Lawn Chair - $23.92
- R2-D2 Talking Plush - $11.84
Noooooo! As if there weren't enough things in this world to make me horny! Now R2-D2 is getting in on the tent pitching action? Etsy vendor Sceene Shoes, also of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles bra fame, shares some Star Wars boobie cup action with the boobielicious and, more importantly, those who love them.
R2-D2 boo-boo-boo-bee-boob wear is hand painted with permanent acrylics, so bras are washable. Orders arrive with care instructions.
Not surprisingly, the R2-D2 bras are on a backorder of galactic proportions--at printing, there was a 6-week lag from order to shipment.
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