Cute Ass Animals Underwear
- Bear in Underwear: Goodnight Underwear - $9.69
- Animal Print Booty Shorts - $11.75
- No Pinching No Problems Leopard Print Brief - $9.33
- Baby Animal Knickers - $9.99
- Zebra Print Sports Bra - $14.00
Etsy vendor Nichola's Knickerockers, underwear with adorable animal faces strategically sewn across one of my favorite places on earth, are pricey. But to all ladies who often get mistaken for Victoria's Secret models from behind, have I got a deal for you: I will purchase your cute ass animal underwear. All you have to do in return is wear them...only them...OK and maybe one of these equally captivating eared half-shirts and furry animal hoodies on top...out with me. Just out, nothing more. It can be strictly platonic. We'll go bowling. Yeah. We'll definitely go bowling.
Nichola's line of animal knickers incorporate attached ears and faces appliqued on their back sides. Selections include foxes and kitties and bears and bunnies and pigs and badgers and mice. I love all of those creatures of nature. So much. In fact, I've never in my life felt more like an animal advocate than I do right now.
Cute ass animals underwear is a top Dude Gift for Your Girlfriend pick.
Muchas danke to Laughing Squid.