Pain Is A Bitch Bandages
Most of these obscenity bandages seem apropos for the injuries they will cover, but who yells, "Balls!" after slicing through Tallman instead of the onion? Seriously, is "Balls!" really anyone's go-to vulgarity when overcome with anger, pain, frustration, or sadness? The Australians, maybe? Or is "Balls!" intended for use in conjunction with another bandage to treat larger abrasions, and form a compound crudity? For example, "Fuck!" also appears to be included in the 25-pack. Together, "Fuck!" and "Balls!" produce an obscenity that is both recognizable as part of the American English vernacular, and hilarious. Perhaps "Sick!" is also in the bandage collection. Even one of the display photos has opted for "Shit! Balls!" which is somewhat more identifiable as an exclamatory, but also kind of gross.