Testicuzzi - Hot Tub for Your Testicles

Posted: April 29, 2021
Testicuzzi - Hot Tub for Your Testicles
  • Testicuzzi - Hot Tub for Your Testicles
  • Testicuzzi - Hot Tub for Your Testicles
  • Testicuzzi - Hot Tub for Your Testicles
  • Testicuzzi - Hot Tub for Your Testicles
  • Testicuzzi - Hot Tub for Your Testicles
  • Testicuzzi - Hot Tub for Your Testicles

Behold the Testicuzzi. Its contoured rim, its dual, sack-sized interior basins, its ultra-soft pre-cast silicone penis perch! Get ready, testicles, here comes a soaking tub just for you!

Or should I say, get ready, testicles, here comes you in your very own soaking tub!

The deez nutzy idea for a testicular hot tub came about during a conversation between friends about dating, drinking, and random trends. The idea grew, long and hard, until the friends decided to pursue it, creating a 3D model, and then 3D printing their first Testicuzzi prototype.

Along with its thoughtful ergo-nadmics, the Testicuzzi soothes spent snow globes with sack-relaxing air bubbles emitted from a battery-powered base.

Click here to get a Testicuzzi to relax your own overwrought boys, or, as Testicuzzi puts it, as "the perfect gift for the man that genuinely cares about his testicles' hap-penis." And for all you dudes eager to give your little dudes their very own soaking tub, Testicuzzi is also offering Dude readers a 30% discount on purchases. Just enter Dude30 at checkout and enjoy all the ballin' benefits of a Testicuzzi for less.

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