Sealander Land & Water Camper

The Sealander is a caravan that gives you the best of boat worlds. Yuk, yuk, yuk. Designed and made in Germany, the hybrid camper latches on to any car, truck, or SUV like a travel trailer for driving, but is also made light and sealed tight enough to slide into the water and float or tool around in on nearby lakes and bays.
The Sealander has a 13-square-foot footprint, with a bench-lined interior with table that can accommodate 6 people sitting. The benches also transform into a flat sleeping or lounging space, with the camper's fold-back roof opening to 2/3 exposure for sunbathing or stargazing. Anyone purchasing a Sealander will have a range of customization options, including a kitchenette and appliances, upholstery, sound system, lighting, and other interior electronics.
Total Sealander weight is 1,100 pounds, and dimensions are 5.6' long x 6.2' tall.