VSSL CAMP Supplies - Compact 70-Piece Adventure Tool

VSSL CAMP Supplies is one of the latest in what is becoming an extensive, and impressive, line of outdoor utility tubes. VSSL's svelte gear kits for various activities, adventures, and emergencies could have easily gone the way of the gimmick, but the company has clearly put a lot of effort into researching and designing their vessels to be as bountiful on the inside as they are slick on the out.
VSSL CAMP Supplies houses 70 outdoor essentials inside its military-grade aluminum cylinder - well, let's say 68, since two of those supplies are a compass and a 4-mode LED light, built into either of the tube's screwtop ends.
Gear stashed inside VSSL CAMP Supplies is divided into labeled screw-top containers that stack to store. Some examples: Canadian beeswax candle; mini first aid kit; water purification kit; firestarter kit; fishing kit; wire saw; and mini sewing kit.
The VSSL CAMP Supplies canister is waterproof and virtually indestructible.It comes in black and silver.
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