The Wheel Pull Down Kitchen Faucet
- Steampunk Valve Bathroom Faucet - $89.99
- Wheel & Pulley Chandelier - $198.00
- French Oak Half Wine Barrel Captain's Head Bathroom Vanity - $1,296.00
- Steampunk Pressure Gauge Box - $25.99
- Handmade Galvanized Pipe Industrial Lighting - $259.99
Displease the Captain and he'll throw you overboard squirt you in the kisser with the sprayer of his Wheel Pull Down Kitchen Faucet. Maker Waterstone took its inspiration for this standout fixture from the (super rad) wheel of a ship and the (super cheesy) "adventurous spirit of American ingenuity." Steampunk enthusiasts probably won't be too disappointed in the faucet's aesthetic either.
The solid brass Wheel system has a spring-loaded pre-rinse spray arm that can swivel to clean all the far reaches of your sink, nailing errant grains of rice and hot sauce-splashed walls, and returning it to the glistening ship of stainless steel it was before its encounter with your salsa verde enchiladas. The Wheel hose extends 20" from its spout and comes in your choice of 33 different finishes.
Waterstone quotes no specific price for the kitchen sink installation on its website, but word from Mitch T., who submitted the Dude Product Tip, is that it runs upward of $3,000.