Japanese-Style Tempura Deep Fryer

Posted: January 23, 2023
Japanese-Style Tempura Deep Fryer
$37.99 - $50
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Tempura in the morning, tempura in the evening, tempura at suppertime / When you've got a Japanese-style deep fryer, you can have tempura anytime! Perhaps not the best song parody, but I was just considering whether I like Bagel Bites or tempura better, and upon deciding they were tied at 10/10 delicious, I rewrote the jingle in my head.

Oh, but in honor of the tie, maybe it should be: Pizza in the morning, tempura in the evening, eat them both at suppertime / When you've got Bagel Bits and a Japanese-style deep fryer, you can have a happy belly anytime!

The only downside to tempura from this Japanese-Style Tempura Deep Fryer is it appears to require slightly more effort to produce its tempura than my oven does to produce my Bagel Bites. Like preheating to 450 degrees, placing frozen pizza bagels on a try, and waiting for 9 to 11 minutes, versus:

  • Vegetable and possibly seafood sourcing and prepping
  • Battering
  • Filling fryer with a vat of oil
  • Heating oil to perfect temperature
  • Frying battered food and not burning it
  • Frying battered food and not burning self
  • Cleaning up oil splatters and drips
  • Disposing of used oil....

Dude, the tempura makin' is makin' my head dizzy. Bagel Bites might be edging ahead as my preferred morning / evening / suppertime snack. Unless....

Mama! How would you like your super swell son to buy you a Japanese-Style Tempura Deep Fryer? I'll even spring for the purdy green enamel one over the stainless steel!

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