Bacon Basket Pan

- Ceramic Pitcher Bacon Cooker - $27.99
- Winding Strips of Bacon Socks - $12.99
- Mr. Bar-B-Q Non Stick Bacon Griller - $17.99
- Microwave Bacon & Egg Dual Cooker - $5.67
- Maple Bacon Coffee - $15.98
Is a bowl-shaped baking dish designed explicitly to mold bacon into baskets for transporting eggs and BBQ pulled pork to my mouth necessary? I don't know, are pants necessary? Necessity may be one, but she is not the only mother of invention.
The Bacon Basket saves bacon lovers from the pedestrian, shriveled-strip method of bacon consumption, without the added hassle of repurposing other kitchen wares, such as muffin pans and round Tupperware containers (plastic is oven-safe, right?) It even has a lip for pooling grease and a notch for pouring the pooled grease over ice cream when you've eaten up your mac 'n' cheese in a bacon basket like a good boy or girl and want a real treat!
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