Wall-Mounted Folding Chair

Posted: August 10, 2021
Wall-Mounted Folding Chair
Check It Out

Who wants to play Hide & Seat? Three Friend Carpenter's wall-mounted folding chair is a gift to space-conscious apartment-dwellers and homeowners, and furniture design geeks alike. Make minimalists giddy, and people who thought they were gonna have to stand not wish they hadn't come over, every time you fold down the full-sized wood seat and magically create an extra place to pop a squat.

Wall-mounted folding chairs are made with a metal support beam and affix to a wall with anchored screws. Three Friend Carpenter promises the chair "won't be broken under any circumstances." Buuuut they go on to say each has a weight limit of 330 pounds, so YMMV.

The foldaway chairs are available in about a dozen different colors.

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