The Balls Lounger
- 6-Foot Bean Bag Chair - $199.99
- Suspended Bubble Chair - $999.00
- Hanging Lounger - $109.90
- Couples Hammock - $179.00
- Kids' Hippopotamus Chair - $29.95
Though I am not a tennis fan, given that the opening line of Animi Causa's product copy for their balls lounger is, "The Feel Deluxe is made of 120 soft and extremely pleasant balls," I am very happy that it's the tennis kind of balls that they look like. Because this infinitely malleable piece of furniture seems as if it may be the most comfortable place on earth to lay my weary head, outside of Halle Berry's lap, and I would hate for unsavory anatomical associations to keep me from it.
The Feel Deluxe balls lounger measures an oversized 86.6" x 71" (with 7.9" diameter squishy spheres) that is suitable for individuals, couples, or entire families--presuming the latter are not all big fat fatties, or in possession of an exorbitant number of children. It bends and adjusts easily to accommodate seated, lying, fetal, and...well, I'm not gonna say it, but I think you can imagine the other kinds of positions to which something called a Feel Deluxe lends itself well.
The lounger's balls are made of 100% foam and covered in Stretch Fabric upholstery available in red, blue, brown, or gray. Ball connectors are plastic. You know, I'll grant that it would probably be pretty sweet to sit or take a nap on the Feel Deluxe. However, I feel fortunate that it is also kind of cool just to look at on the Internet, because holy balls is it pricey.
Want to see something on par with big ball seating? Check out the giant Bird's Nest Bed.
Muchas danke to Manny for the product suggestion.