Le Beanock - Bean Bag Hammock
- FatboyBuggle-up Hangable Bean Bag Chair - $376.59
- Intex Recreation Beanless Bag Chair - $24.99
- Cintz Quilted Hammock - $79.99
- Big Joe Bean Bag Dorm Chair - $48.99
- Bean Bag Base Halogen Table Lamp - $120.00
I wholeheartedly support Le Beanock, and any installation whose defining attributes are comfort, relaxation, the eschewal of productivity, and swinging to and fro in a way reminiscent of my infancy, when I snoozed in my mama's arms as she swayed gently and sung in the lowest bass she could muster, Rock-a my soul in the bosom of Abraham, rock-a my soul in the bosom of Abraham, rock-a.... Excuse me for a moment. I believe I have a stray dust particulate in my eye.
Dare I say Le Beanock successfully combines the best of the Viking Hammock with the only acceptable piece of home decor to have emerged from the 70s? Granted, it replaces the former's leather sling and shearling dressings with industrial standard cloth and zig-zag stitching, but that's only so that the smart and practical swinger can swing with equal resilience and durability outside as it can elegance and bow chicka bow bow behind closed doors. Le Beanock also saves the buyer about $32,500 of the Viking's $33,000 price tag.
Le Beanocks come in numerous le colors and several le sizes, and if you visit le company's Website you'll encounter even more cutesy over-applications of le word "le".
Muchas danke to Drool'd.