Star Wars on Earth Prints

- Your Empire Needs YOU Darth Vader Print - $9.79
- Star Wars Blueprints - Deluxe Edition - $499.98
- Star Wars Saga Wall Mural - $106.22
- BudK Russian WWII M52 Steel Helmet - $29.95
- Personalized Jedi Knight Wall Decal - $10.25
Stirring scenes from American history, meet stirring scenes from American sci-fi. This set of 4 Star Wars prints from Thirteenth Floor pits some of the Empire's worst villains against some of our own greatest war heroes. Each of the 11" x 17" explorations of an alternate reality...or what really happened during WWII...is printed on 100lb matte card stock, and can be purchased individually for $10 a pop, or as a set for $25. Star Wars on Earth selections include:
- "3 on 3", featuring a trio of soldiers taking on AT-ATs.
- "Charge!", US GI v. Galactic Stormtrooper.
- "Dogfight", with TIE Fighters taking on (taking down?) a fighter jet.
- "Invasion." Uh, sir, how's that Manhattan Project coming along? We've just been informed the giant, planet-like mass hovering above us is called a "Death Star." Also, have you ever heard of a superlaser?
If you like the Freaky Friday visual mashup aesthetic, check out these Patriots Being Badass prints too.
Muchas danke to Manny for the Dude Product Tip.
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