Tooletries The Harvey Toothbrush & Razor Holder

The Harvey has a thing for shiny objects. Glass shower doors, polished mirrors, glistening tiles, metal razors, and sparkling clean teeth. The first three, the Harvey loves to plaster himself all over, sticking strong without adhesives or suction cups, just a bit of silicone-grip technology. The razor, the Harvey likes to cradle in one of his arms, holding it securely and conveniently until you need it. And the sparkling clean teeth? Here's the Harvey lookin' at you, kid. Right after you've brushed your pearly whites, and replaced your toothbrush and toothpaste into the Harvey's other arm.
Made by Tooletries, the Harvey is a multi-purpose toiletry caddy for the bathroom, or anywhere else you've got a shiny surface, and want to stick a toothbrush and razor. It's easily removable, no gum or crud left behind, and can be repositioned or reused elsewhere. Choose from charcoal, grey, and white colors. is reader-supported. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases. Learn more.