Mug Chomp Self-Adjusting Coaster

Talk about a killer coaster. Krakdrag developed the most excellent Mug Chomp Self-Adjusting Coaster in the likeness of the Super Mario Bros. Chain Chomp. But rather than doing evil things, such as making you small or killing you, here the toothy ball and chain does you a double kindness: protects your table from rings and stains; and chomps down on the precise girth of your mugs, bottles, and cans to prevent them from falling over if they get bumped.
Who knew a mortal enemy of Mario and Luigi could become such a valued friend to drinkers of beverages?
Currently, Krakdrag is selling his Mug Chomp Self-Adjusting Coaster as a 3D printer file, so dudes and ladies hoping to get their drinkware condensation and spillage protection on will need to have access to 3D printing gear, as well as the skills to use it.
Dude Strong Recommend: get yourself a Mario coffee Mug to pair with the Mug Chomp Self-Adjusting Coaster.
Muchas danke to The Awesomer.