C3 Custom Remote Controlled Coolers

Posted: June 19, 2022
$299 - $399.99
Check It Out

Maybe the best quote a company president has ever made about their product comes from C3 Custom Cooler Creations president, Scott Seljan. In speaking to The Milwaukee Sentinel of his Remote Controlled Rover Coolers, Seljan said, "There hasn't been anybody who's seen this thing who has said, 'Boy, is that stupid.'"

Ha! A motorized RC beverage cooler shaped like a planetary surface exploration vehicle, and covered in sports team, themed, or your custom graphics, is a decidedly not stupid thing. Well said, Mr. Seljan. And I agree.

The Rover RC Cooler, along with all C3 products, is made in Lake Mills, WI. Its rugged tires equip it to drag your drinks over almost any terrain at a top speed of 6 MPH. To further ensure it is the star of your next tailgate or picnic, the cooler also has working headlights and built-in Bluetooth-enabled speakers. Rovers have a 30-quart interior capacity, about enough room for 30 cans of beer or sodie, along with the ice to chill them.

C3 Custom Cooler Creations also offers RC Coolers in truck and zamboni models.

Muchas danke to The Awesomer.

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