DrawAttention Laptop Lid Whiteboard
Ladies, I've finally found a way to pass along my number without making it awkward for you to ask for it, or awkward for me to walk up and hand it to you on a pre-printed calling card that I then watch you throw into the recycling bin on your way out. It's DrawAttention! A whiteboard cover for my laptop lid!
Self-described "startup evangelist" and Texan Kyle Taylor created DrawAttention whiteboards for laptops as a means of advertising, collaborating, and brainstorming from the makeshift offices (i.e., coffee shops) more and more of us are using as our place of work. The adhesive boards cover lids ranging from 11" to 15", turning what was once blank space into a billboard for your reasonably-priced IT skills and completely free mammograms.
DrawAttention whiteboards are currently available in The Pro and The Air, custom cut to fit 13" to 15" MacBooks and 11" to 13" MacBook Airs respectively. Versions for the iPad and PC laptops/tablets are coming soon. Once applied, the boards can be removed, but Taylor does not recommend using a Sharpie to write on them unless you're absolutely sure of what you want to say and how to spell it.