LEGO Adidas Originals Superstar Sneaker

Kick it with LEGO and Adidas this summer, courtesy of the brands' collaboration on this LEGO Adidas Originals Superstar Sneaker. At 731-pieces the shoe, like the LEGO Typewriter, is another adult building brick kit intended for display, this time on the desktops and shelves of Adidas fans and sneaker collectors.
The blockified Adidas Originals Superstar Sneaker retains all of the shoe's iconic features, including the sneaker graphics, shell toe shape, trefoil logo, serrated 3 stripes mark, and some bright white shoelaces. And while you'll get the pieces to build only one LEGO Originals Superstar in your authentic Adidas shoebox, it will be your choice whether to make it a left shoe or a right - 17 extra LEGO elements included in the set allow for the switch.