The Book with No Pictures

Posted: November 24, 2015
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Alright, BJ Novak, it took until "BOO BOO BUTT," but you finally got me. While The Book with No Pictures is 100% a kids' book, it's one of those bedtime reads that, like Seuss and Stories for Children You Hate, is kind of OK fun for the parent or other literate grownup doing the reading too.

As the title indicates, Novak's book is a black hole for pictures. What it has in place is a hoarder's closet full of juicy words and sounds strung together that make the kiddos ROFL (check out the video evidence--that's Novak doing the reading) and give the adults a few bemused chuckles themselves. Some excerpts:




"I am a monkey who taught myself to read."

Well done, Mr. Novak.

If you've got a kid or know a parent, I can say with reasonable certainty that, despite the lack of eye candy, at least one, and probably both, of them will enjoy a trip through The Book with No Pictures.

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