Squishy Human Body 3D Anatomy Puzzle

Posted: December 04, 2019
Squishy Human Body 3D Puzzle
Check It Out

Squishy Human Body? Squishy Human Body?! Cut me a break, 3D anatomy puzzle. It's the holidays, someone brings sweet treats to the office every single damn day, and both my wife and my mama are excellent cooks!

Squishy Human Body is a STEM dissection kit from SmartLab Toys, made as a gift for kids 8 and up to learn about their innards by using included forceps and tweezers to remove 21 different vital organs, bones, and muscles. And then, if they're skilled surgeons, put it all back in, rebuilding the disemboweled man from toes to skullcap.

The Squishy Human Body is a 12" tall model, and in addition to his personal parts and tools, also comes with a body part "organ-izer mat," instruction sheet, and 24-page illustrated anatomy book.

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