Drunk Stoned or Stupid
- SEXXXtions Adult Party Game - $34.95
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- Loaded Kings - The Drinking Card Game (Waterproof Playing Cards) - $10.00
- Never Have I Ever Adult Drinking Game - $22.49
- Soak 'N' Wet Dunk Tank - $199.99
Usually the only people I credit for being clever, relevant, and hilarious are myself and sometimes Stephen Colbert, but the cards of party game Drunk Stoned or Stupid demonstrate there might be a few others out there deserving of the compliments. Two of their names are Trevor and Noah Mayer. The Brothers Mayer, along with input from friends, family, and fans' emailed suggestions, have amassed hundreds of irreverent descriptions of people and their actions, and stuffed the best of them into a box of 250 cards. Each round, Drunk Stoned or Stupid players read one of these cards aloud and determine which player is most likely to:
- Wake up with half a burrito in bed
- Have a 20-minute conversation with Siri
- Call dibs on people at a party
- Shame people for going to bed
- Be a total brand whore
- Break a window to get into their own house
- Think eating chicken is vegetarian
- Wash Red Cups in the dishwasher
- Type out every single Drunk Stoned or Stupid card right now to ruin the surprise out of malice for people who are more witty than himself.
Like Cards Against Humanity, but swayed more towards personal attacks and arguments, Drunk Stoned or Stupid digs into how well you really know your friends. Gameplay begins with a declared judge drawing a card and reading it aloud. The player to his left then provides a story or convincing reason for someone in the group to be "tagged" with that card, and the accused must then defend himself. Moving around the circle, each person gets a shot at assigning the card to someone else and giving supporting evidence. The judge makes the final ruling, and hands the guilty party the card, along with -1 points. A new judge is then selected and the sequence begins again. When one player reaches -7 points, the game ends and he is declared the Drunk Stoned or Stupid loser.
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