Escapist ABCs Alphabet Flashcards

"Escapist." That's an interesting word choice for your Escapist ABCs Alphabet Flashcards, Knock Knock. Is it perhaps a euphemism? For loaf. Liar. Lush. Lecher. All-around sLeazeball? The 26-strong stack kicks off with Affair and rolls through Zinfandel, stopping at Binge-Watching, Cat Videos, Denial, and Tinder along the way, so I feel like designating the flashcards for escapists is pretty generous.
And I'll take it!
Can't wait to share this perspective with my boss and in-laws.
Escapist ABCs bring maker Knock Knock's trademark humor and satire to the letters of the alphabet. Each escapist word / suggestion is accompanied by a retro black-and-white photo exemplifying it. The kitschy photos are really what make the Escapist ABCs deck, keeping what, at its heart, is pretty cynical and kind of a downer, fun, upbeat, and extra charming. A great gift for your favorite "escapist." is reader-supported. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases. Learn more.