This is Not a Maths Book: A Smart Art Activity Book

Posted: May 16, 2016
This is Not a Maths Book: A Smart Art Activity Book
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Before you say This Is Not a Maths Book must not be a grammar book either because it's "math book" not "maths book" I'll point out that the publication is British, and in England they do say you study "maths" with a "maths book." Except here, where you study maths with a coloring book.

Anna Weltman wrote This Is Not a Maths Book for adults and middle schoolers alike in an effort to demonstrate and teach mathematical concepts in a fun and beautiful way. Each activity centers around patterns that emerge as you pair a calculating air with some Crayola flair, filling in areas according to instructions and solutions to problems. The book begins with simple geometric designs, and advances through fractal and anamorphic art, showing shaders "how maths can be artistic and art can be mathematical."

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