The Book: Ultimate Guide to Rebuilding a Civilization

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Creator Timur Kadyrov believes there is no other book out there like his book. The Book. He and his team call their encyclopedic how-to The Ultimate Guide To Rebuilding A Civilization, and within its 400+ pages of (some) text and (mostly) betwitching illustrations of mechanisms, processes, and materials contributing to human history, they attempt to present "the most meaningful facts about our culture." Think Codex Seraphinianus, but less enigmatic and...weird.
The Book corrals its ideas and inventions, discoveries and methods into 11 major sections. Those adhering to The Ultimate Guide To Rebuilding A Civilization will glean necessary knowledge from the following areas of human life: Medicine; Basic Materials, Mechanisms; Military Arts, Hearth and Home; Farming; Entertainment; Musical Instruments; Society; Games; and, my favorite, Delicatessen (i.e., food!)
The Book: The Ultimate Guide To Rebuilding A Civilization was (very) successfully crowdfunded in 2020, and is now available for pre-order, with hopeful publication and shipment in October 2021.