UnbuckleMe Car Seat Buckle Release Tool

I have not been ROFL in a while, but the UnbuckleMe Car Seat Buckle Release Tool, of all things, has me ROFL. Because the product description calls it a seatbelt "easy opener aid" for children learning dexterity, grandparents with arthritis or weakened hand strength, and...and...ladies with big, long, fake fingernails! Or big, long, real fingernails, I guess, but I don't see many of those around anymore. Ha! Haha! All you moms (and dads, I suppose), nannies, babysitters, and carpool drivers with finger talons that make me wonder how you type, pick up items from flat surfaces, or complete any task basic in life, now I know. You have to use special tools, such as items called "UnbuckleMe," to do it.
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