Car Air Vent Decorative Strips

Can you dudes think of anything you need more than a set of Car Air Vent Decorative Strips? ... No, wait, I mean less. Can you dudes think of anything you need less than a set of Car Air Vent Decorative Strips?
I get it. You want to mod, soup up, pimp out, or bedazzle your ride to match your style. But, but, does that desire truly extend to the louvers on your vehicle's air vents? And to the amount of effort it's going to take to install all 20 of these decorative strips, one at a time, cutting each to fit each individual louver of a custom vent design? Holy hell, that sounds like a task more tedious than Drillbrushing the 1 million linear feet of tile grout in my mama's showers.
Actually, the Car Air Vent Decorative Strips use a full-length U-clip to stay in place, rather than adhesive or some other easily F-uppable installation method, so maybe attaching them won't be quite as tedious as cleaning tile grout.
Car Air Vent Decorative Strips come in more than a dozen different colors / styles, each blingier and more over the top than the last. is reader-supported. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases. Learn more.